Click below for information about acid rain


  All about Acid Rain

This site is an excellent acid rain resource containing articles, links

and information covering all aspects of acid rain.

   Environmental Effects of Acid Rain: by the EPA

Here is a highly informative page that explains how acid rain is formed,

includes a model, explains where it comes from, and describes its

effects on the world, i.e. forest degradation, visibility, health risks, etc.

   Causes, Effects and Solutions of Acid Rain

This page includes an explanation, the science and links concerning the cause and effects of acid rain.

   The EPA Acid Rain Program

This page describes the EPA’s Acid Rain Program to reduce electric utilities’ emissions of pollutants that cause acid rain.  One can also access articles, reports, and papers about acid rain from this site.

   Benefits of Natural Gas: by American Gas Foundation

Take a look at this page for information about the benefits of using natural gas over electricity (less sulfur dioxide emitted into the environment).  It also provides information on how electric utility power plants may react to EPA standards.






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