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Land reclamation involves making land available for new develop-

ment or public use after it has been used up with such activities

as mining, landfill, industrial development, etc.  After land is

reclaimed and new soil is restored and treated, the groundwater

is cleaned up, and the area is detoxified, it can be used again for

such things as farm land, new business development (i.e. a

shopping center), or even a park.  Land reclamation is a way to

make sure that land does not "go to waste."


  Managing Water in the American West: Provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior

For an excellent source of information about water management programs and facilities stop and take a look at this site. It even includes a video!

   Articles and History of American Land Rights: Made by American Land Rights Association

This site is an American Land Rights Association  publication that includes the organization’s history, updates, and recent articles concerning land reclamation.

   Hollandia Nursery Sod

Hollandia Nursery is a company that specializes in land reclamation.  This site includes information about the services they offer and the importance of the right kind of soil for land reclamation purposes.


The National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs is a registered nonprofit organization working with the federal government to reclaim abandoned mine land across the country.  The site explains the ways in which the organization funds state programs and also provides links to many related sites.

   Mined Land Reclamation Declaration of Policy by the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation

This site has a point by point summary of the Mined Land Reclamation Law.  It also contains links to the entire text of the law and information about a panel discussion on sustainable development and mining perspectives on the new law.

   Land Reclamation by Edmonton Power

Check this site out for the story of the Genesee operation.  It involves the highly successful agricultural production over former coal mines; an award winning operation.