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Click on the titles below to view various sites related to this web page


  Envirolink Network

Envirolink is an online community that contains an extensive library

to search for resources.

   Texas Environment Center

One of the first electronic environmental libraries.  Explore multimedia projects that are included along with other environmental resources as well.

   Global Change- NASA: Made by Global Atmospheric Chemistry Group

Here is a site that focuses on global change. It includes fact sheets from NASA and various updates and reports of the Global Change Research Project.

   News and Market Center: Made by Global Network of Environment and Technology

This Global Network of Environment and Technology page contains a news center (full of articles), market center, and even an “ask an expert” feature.

   Statistics of Economic Features: Provided by Dismal Scientist

Visit this site to see many economic features, including unemployment rates around the world, farming status, and stock markets, etc.

   Careers in the Environment: National Library for the Environment

Here is a site that has information on resumes, interviewing, job market analysis, salary determination and more concerning environmental positions.

   Environmental Economics glossary of the Environmental Damage Valuation and Cost Benefit Website

Glossary of words related to environmental economics.

   Australian Department of Environmental and Heritage

Environment Australia Online; includes databases, environment in government, and an extensive list of publications which can be ordered online.

   Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

A site that focuses on women's sensitivity to the environment.  It includes fact sheets and articles on women in the environment.  Fact sheets include such statistics as stillbirths related to pollution.

   Government Agencies: Find anyone you want!

Here is a list of all the government agencies.  Looking at the categories find the web page of the agency you wish to peruse and click on the name.

   Environmental Defense Fund

The EDF works to stabilize the Earth's climate, safeguard oceans, protect health, and defend & restore biodiversity.  Find overviews of programs, reports, and a history of environmentalism.  Also take advantage of the "Expert Guide" for help.