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- Biodiversity- Ethics- Audits- Economics- Ambient Air Quality
bullet Environment


Sustainable  development  involves the extensive preservation of

the environment for the benefit  of  future generations.    The goal of

sustainable development is to leave future generations no worse than the current generation.  One must recognize  population, human  resources,  technology, and resource

conservation when thinking  about  sustainability.  When  engaged in

sustainability, a community  must be careful to  also  consider their

current generations.   To preserve the environment for the future, a

sustainable  community  must  control their waste  and resources

carefully.  The  rate of  resource  usage  must  be chosen as not to

jeopardize future generations, but they do not have to go untouched.  Waste reduction can be accomplished by optimizing consumption of energy and materials, minimizing waste generation, and reusing products as raw materials for another process.1


  Smart Communities Network

Here is the Operational Environmental Guiding Principles for the Sustainable Development Strategy.

   Sustainable Communities Network: How to Create a Sustainable Community

Click on this comprehensive resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy information.  It contains links to alternative fuels, transportation, solar buildings, etc.  You can also find information on home energy saving tips, state energy alternatives, and use their specialized resources for educational purposes, consumers, youths, small businesses, etc.

   Creating and News about Existing Sustainable Communities

This site contains information about creating a sustainable community and existing sustainable communities.

   Colby College

Here is a site with tons of links.   It also includes executive summaries.

   From the Desk of the Prime Minister of Canada

This link features an article about the Prime Minister's desire to make sustainable development more popular in the country. You can also access fact sheets and other publications.

   National Centre for Sustainability

Here is a site that explains all about what sustainability is and offers a learning process, compare to a course module, and news bulletins.

   Oikos-International Student Organization for Sustainable Economics and Management

This site contains useful publications and recent news and events.

   Sustainable Energy and Economy Network: SEEN

Within this page you will find press reports, statistics, and links to other sites.  There is also information on the energy used for human necessities.


*1: Information from Tietenberg, Tom. Environmental Economics and Policy. (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1998.)  Paragraph by: Stephanie Ann Holbrook