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- Biodiversity- Ethics- Audits- Economics- Ambient Air Quality
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Click below for information on how the economy and environment are related


   The EPA National Center for Environmental Economics

Check out the NCEE site for information regarding environmental economics

including publications, links and grant information.

   Economic and Political topics from the past to the present: Earthsharing

Here is a musically enhanced site that contains many economic and political

topics from the past to the present involving the environment.

   Directory of British Environmentalists

An ICEO site, Transport and Environment: Listings of research interests with researchers, and contact details.

   Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environmental

CSERGE: This site includes information about the projects that have been conducted by CSERGE.  Also provided are working papers that can be accessed about various environmental issues such as pollution, biodiversity, sustainable development, etc.

   Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

AERE: Here you can read newsletter highlights and find more links to other sites.

issues such as pollution, biodiversity, sustainable development, etc.

   European Society for Ecological Economics

Contains news, research information, statutes, activities, and other websites created by ESEE.