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Click below for information about deforestation


  Forest Conservation Portal: by Ecological Enterprises

For an extensive amount of information, visit this site which

includes a list of the most recent and significant articles of

worldwide forest conservation news. You can also obtain over

18,000 forest conservation information pieces.

   Rainforest Factoids-Made by Save The Rainforest

Provides a list of facts and statistics about rainforest environments and destruction

   Deforestation around the World: Made by Earlham College

A site full of pages about the effects of deforestation on the peoples of Brazil, bio-diversity, and the Caribou.  It also looks at deforestation from a scientific approach and includes a list of forest facts.

   Overview of Global Programs and Agreements: by the Congressional Research Service

 Look here to find an in depth collection of information on various sources, including the International Tropical Timber Organization, the U.N. Conference on the environment and development, and the World Bank.

   Extensive list and explanation of rainforest facts: Raintree

Find pages of facts concerning the destruction of rainforests.

   OLIFE: Oregonians for Labor Intensive Forest Economics

Organization formed to preserve forests for future generations.  Contains many helpful facts and information about their campaign.