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Click below for information on chemical free gardening


  Full Guide to Organic Gardening: by Natural Life

This great page provides a long list of helpful guides on various

topics, including: seed saving, growing particular plants, natural lawn

care, pests and diseases, composting, urban gardening,

permaculture, and herb gardens.

   Organic Gardening Statistics: Made possible with Bald Mountain Press

For a list of organic gardening statistics, take a look at this page.

   Index to Lawn care Information: Made by EnviroGuard

Stop here to view a site that lays out all the positives and negatives of both chemical and natural lawn care.  It also includes lawn care tips along with money and time savers.

   Links to Organic Gardening Resources: Made by the Stulls

Here is a great list of links to various gardening sources and the address to Organic Gardening magazine.

   Wildflowers: Made by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Take a guided tour through the center and find information about the center which houses many gardens of native wild flowers.  There are also links to other sites related to the center.