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Sedona Case Study

Eco Home in progress


  Tire Homes and Solar Power- Rocky Mountain Solar Inc.

Rocky Mountain Solar Inc. created this site that is full of pictures, product

literature, pricing, and information concerning solar systems.  It contains

information on tire homes and details of their cost efficiency.   There is also

information on saving energy with sunrooms, insulating window shades, and

straw bales homes.

   Straw Bale Construction

Here is a story about a man who has been working to increase the use of straw in home construction.  It provides an extensive account of this expert's experience in building homes with straw, a history of old and new straw built homes, leading areas promoting its use, and the benefits of using straw.

   Designing a Straw House-Provided by Masonry Stove Builders

Visit this site for a description of a current straw home construction.  Includes pictures and graphs and comments from the developer and a chance to give your own input.

   Mr. Solar-Resource Center and Q&A Opportunities

Mr. Solar gives you the opportunity to ask him questions online, obtain over 100 articles concerning alternative energy, and learn about various courses taught on the net.  He includes a "how to" section for installing and designing your own solar electric system, and excellent reviews of new solar products available for purchase.

   Rammed-Earth Works

Provides an explanation of what a rammed-earth tire home is and the recap of its creation.  This site also reveals the many benefits of a tire home, physics behind their design, plans for a tire home, and a photographic history of a tire home construction.

   Product information-Edwards Engineering Corp.

This site provides a list of products which includes their features and benefits.  A full explanation of how these products work is also displayed.